Thursday, June 26, 2008


So, earlier this week, everyone likely received word that the IRS reimbursement rate for mileage went up to $0.58 per mile...which is an eight cent jump. Holy cow! That's huge. That's also going to have a big impact on budgets. Please know that the staff and government of the Town of Franklinton are very conscious of their use of mileage, and of the town's vehicles. That's partly why we went to using golf carts for meter reading. We do our best - but we also know that fuel is an ever expanding item in our budget. One thing that we will be examining in the near future is, "How can the town green itself and save money?" We taken several steps to do such, including ensuring equipment and lights are powered off when not in use, trying to ensure copies are front and back, to use less paper, only printing when necessary, etc. We're also recycling as much as possible, and we recycle cartridges, etc., as well.

That's what's on my mind right now...because I just got the e-mail. I hope you're having a safe and happy week!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Wow, It's Been Awhile!

I cannot believe it's been eight months since I last posted on this blog! What a slacker I am. And here I'd planned to actually to commit to posting at least weekly if not more frequent! Who knew I'd get so busy? My work (the real job - you know, the one that actually pays my bills and such) has been keeping me hopping. I haven't yet truly found my balance between all the components of my life - work, town government, family, etc. I'm working on it. Somehow, I have a feeling that's going to be a work in progress as long as I'm in office - and I'm okay with that.

It's been an interesting seven months since I was elected. I never did really post a blog to say thank you. (I did on my website, which hasn't been updated since sometime in February. Gotta work on that next.) So - THANK YOU! I still can't believe I was elected - it was truly a surprise! I will be eternally grateful for all of you - friends, family, former students, etc. - who came to support me and be a part of the campaign. (And I saved my never know when I may need them again.) The community gathering in September was great, and I had a ball getting to see old friends and meeting new ones! I will also tell you - until you walk this town, you can't really know how big it is!

The night of the election was truly a magical night. I could run for the highest office in the land and win and never feel what I felt that night. I think the cap of the night was having my dad there with me. Going back to my mom and dad's house where so many of my friends and family were waiting on one of the coldest nights of the year, waiting just to see me and say congratulations...nothing will ever replace that. That's a feeling I'll have with me until I take my last breath.

Equally as special, though, was the night of the swearing in. That night solidified that we need a new meeting space for Town Hall! Seeing so many of you, my friends, my family, my former students, my colleagues, all sitting in the audience, lined up along the hallway - I'm just glad the fire marshal didn't come out. We'd have all been sent home! Carey Johnson took the most marvelous picture of my swearing in. Somehow, I managed not to cry when my dad started talking. (He's not exactly known for being a man of 1000 emotions...) It was on par with graduating from college - and we only get those special moments once in a lifetime. I don't know that we'll have a chance to have four generations of my family in one place at one time sharing a moment like that. Having so many of you there to share it with me...ugh, words just don't do it! (Fortunately, I still have it on videotape so I can relive screwing up my oath...)

I also wasn't expecting to have some of the challenges that have beset the Town since I came aboard. Who knew the west side of town would catch on fire? Man, that was a tough day. I felt so bad for all of the folks that were displaced that night. Then, it came time to worry - because my grandmother and aunt were evacuated. I continue to be thankful for the Franklinton Fire Department, who continue their legacy of excellence in action. I'm so proud to say that my father was an active member for much of his life.

I've had a chance over the past few months to really get to know our Town staff pretty well. We have some of the best employees in the WORLD. Each and every one of them is truly doing their best for you, the citizens of Franklinton - the people they work for! I realize that nothing is perfect - something that is driven home every time I wake up. But please, when you're given the opportunity, take the time to say thank you to your town staff - they really do work very hard, and it's very seldom anyone says, 'Thank you." We can't pay them what they deserve - so our thanks sometimes has to be payment. It's a currency that never gets overspent.

Many of you have taken time to speak to me regarding issues within the Town. I appreciate every one of you who has taken time to send an e-mail, stop me on the street, in the post office, at the grocery store, in downtown, at a meeting, or to give me a call. (You may not think I do, but if we don't hear from you, we can't answer your questions or address your issues.) I can't always resolve things to make everybody happy, but as I told you when I was campaigning, I'll do everything I can to ensure that the right thing is what's done in the Town of Franklinton. Your Board, of which I am a part (though as you know I have no vote), is committed to you. Our Board is one of great teamwork, collaboration, and cohesion. We are a true team. Your issues are our issues, your concerns are our concerns. We will do our best to address and correct issues and problems as quickly as possible. When I began the process of taking office, my predecessor was kind enough to pull me aside for one great big piece of advice..."You'll never see anything move as slowly as municipal government." It's the truth. It's not necessarily the Town that's moving slow - much of what we do relies on outside entities. But when we can move something along - we do. All we can ever promise you is to do our best - and that we do. Know and understand that my e-mail is always on, my phone is ready, as am I, to hear from you.

There are several items, issues and concerns that have been brought up over and over. I'm going to work to address some of them here. Look for at least weekly blogs from now on - I promise I'll do my best! They'll be topical, and hopefully will engender some community discussion. Know that the citizens of the Town of Franklinton are my FIRST priority when it comes to my work as your Mayor. Have an issue you'd like to see addressed? Let me know. I'll do my best. Don't expect to see everything in the pages of this blog that you may bring to me. And much like some local media websites, don't always expect me to respond to the entire world - sometimes I need only to respond to an individual. But I promise - you'll hear back as soon as I can get you a response.

So...welcome to my 'new' blog. I hope you're having a great summer!