Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I must be boring...

...because nobody ever comments anymore! I've got to move my website too, so that I can update it more frequently. It's been since MARCH! I promise to do better by it...after all, I'm paying a subscriber fee. (Smile.)

Alrighty, I'm off to get back to the paying job. If you get a chance, take a minute and call Town Hall to watch the monthly meetings. If there's one you want to see, let us know - we can play 'em all!

Have a great Wednesday!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sorry It's Been So Long! Now...for the about a new park?

Every now and then, I have an idea that may actually be a good one. I think the creation of a park in the East College Street area is one of those ideas. There are two small plots of land on Church Street and Hawkins Street that have basically been donated to the Town of Franklinton. There are a couple of other lots in the vicinity that could be purchased, and when cobbled together, make one spectacular piece of property that could be used for a park. So, by now you’re wondering…what’s your vision for this? And why? Well…let me tell you.

First, the why. Franklin County Parks and Recreation receives a certain allotment from every subdivision built in the attendance area of every elementary school in Franklin County. Franklinton, due to the attendance of Franklinton Elementary, has such funds. Thus, when Commissioner McGhee-Young shared this information with me, I contacted Franklin County Parks and Recreation and spoke with (now former) Director Bob Yeatman. I spoke with Mr. Yeatman and shared with him my thought process. My understanding is FCP&R is in the process of developing a site plan and a cost workup to be taken before the FCP&R Board, who would ultimately approve the project. Of course, the Town would have to partner in this both fiscally and with regards to upkeep, but we both believed in our conversation that the Town’s fiscal partnership could be kept to a minimum.

Now, the vision. When I look at those pieces of property, I see the beautiful trees, I see the historical value, and I see picnic tables, some playground equipment, and a couple of grilling areas. I see a beautiful wrought iron fence along the street to prevent (or slightly derail) car accidents and to reduce proximity to the train tracks adjacent to the west side of the property. I see children playing, families walking to the park that is now in walking distance, and I see an opportunity for our Town to enjoy a new public space. Right now, it might be grass and trees. But I see a future there – and it’s bright.