Monday, February 16, 2009

Blowing Off Tires...Shoulda Been Steam...

You know it's going to be an odd day when you walk into the door and are met by your Town Manager who says, "Wanna go see the dump truck that blew up at the Water Plant?" Go see is exactly what I did. Apparently, there was a minor incident with a dump truck unloading concrete at the Water Plant, infilling a few minor holes along the perimeter of the water plant. Apparently, the dump truck struck a power line which resulted in the truck's tires being blown off the truck. As you can imagine, that was a bit of a shock. (Laugh here.) The driver managed to come out unharmed, but it of course caused everyone to step back and make sure that safety was being maintained. Progress Energy has been out, tightened up the wires to prevent such issues again, and the filling in will move forward.

So...why am I writing about this? Well, it was my first real trip to the Water Plant. I believe that I have now seen just about every Town facility that exists. The current water plant was constructed in 1968, and was refurbished with upgrades done in 2005. The pond there, commonly referred to as City Pond, really isn't that large! It's much smaller than I thought it was. If I were a dreamer, I'd love to see the Town acquire some additional land adjacent to the pond so that we could clear it out and grow the size of the pond...and then eventually include a park with the location. I think having a park near a pond is a great long as we can keep folks from trying to swim in it!

I also got to see the original water plant, that was built in the early 1900's...I think around 1902. Unfortunately, the building is in such bad shape, I think we're going to have to take it down. It's been neglected, and is literally beginning to fall in on itself. I hate destroying historic buildings, but sometimes it can't be avoided.

Once I got back to Town started snowing! That's snowed for over an hour here...light, flakes, but it was snow! I love snow...and I'm not the only one. Ask Raymond about his plow sometime.

And you thought municipal government was boring...

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