Thursday, June 11, 2009

Streets...and Lateness...

I know, I know...forgive me. It's only been three months! I must admit, after writing that last blog entry, I wasn't that thrilled about writing again...mainly because I was a little bit...face down in the dirt, so they say. Since then, though, I've had many great conversations with local leaders, friends, colleagues, and the like...and I must tell you, I feel a great deal better, even though what was done is done. Oh well. Things happen...but when they happen, it's my perspective that you deal with it and move on...and that's exactly what I've done...or tried to do, anyway. So, now that that's said...I PROMISE to be better about posting. I can't guarantee that I'll post every day...but here's a few thoughts for you today about streets.

I know it…you know it…we all know it…some of our streets are falling apart. It’s no secret. Here’s the silver lining…we have some ‘streets’ money stored away…and can do something about it! Here’s the paradox…we can pave those streets…but…what happens if a water line breaks? Then we have to punch the street we’ve just paved and fix the water line. (I know…I said it too.) So, why don’t we just pave the streets? Well, because we want to do things in a sensible manner…shocking, I realize, but there is a method. We’d like to be able to replace water lines and correct sewer lines before we pave the street. I think the way it was done in my neighborhood was actually the best way it could be done. The sewer line was run, the water lines were fixed, and then the new pavement was laid, and the street isn’t lumpy now!

We’re working on identifying how best to move forward. We’ve set our new budget up so that any capacity fees paid go into our capital reserve fund…which means that those funds are set aside and won’t be used to balance the budget, but will be used to replace water lines, etc. I see several priorities. I see West College Street. I see Janice Avenue, one of the most traveled streets in town. I see the entirety of Mason Street through our city limits. (Whoa. It’s falling apart.) I see Clegg Street. I see South Chavis Street. (That’s a DOT street, thankfully…which means maybe we’ll be able to get done sooner.)

You’re likely asking…why don’t I see Main Street? Well, Main Street is a DOT street/road…which means we have to work with DOT to get it paved. We’re working on it. I know the southern end is falling apart. So does DOT. You may know that they were out patching this morning. It’s still falling apart, though, and I’m working on requesting a repair that will last. Bear with us.

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