Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Today marked the first day of the 2012 Franklinton Board of Commissioners Retreat.  What a great day!  First, the members of our Board and our department heads took a few minutes to get to know one another better.  We connected in several new ways in order to build a great team for the hard work we have ahead in the coming months.  (In the world of local government, this Board is technically only a 'Board' for two years; even if in 2013, the same three Commissioners are re-elected, it technically creates a new 'Board' because they've been given a new term.  Thus, we do teambuilding pieces every two years.)

Following that, we took time to work through our own vision of how we hope the citizens of Franklinton will see their Board of Commissioners.  We strategized major issues facing our community and local government in the next six months, and within the next 12-24 months.  We heard reports from our police department, public works department, code enforcement, planning and zoning department, and our water plant department.  We worked through the process of how the Board will move forward with the Town's takeover of Evergreen Cemetery, and the forward movement of the Town's negotiations with a private company, Envirolink, with managing our water plant.

Tomorrow will be a different kind of day...I'll be training our Board members on how to appropriately use their laptops and software to be able to facilitate presentations on the training materials we've gathered through the past year or two in an effort to provide professional growth opportunities for our local elected officials (and any citizens who want to join!).  That should be interesting!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Greetings Elic I just dropped by to see if you have updated information on your blog's also I wanted to say I'm proud that you see the need to build up downtown Franklinton, If you ever want to create revenue for the city do what you're doing and invite businesses to open downtown, then do more things downtown, block parties, car shows, family friends day two weekends a month block off downtown and allow music,food for everyone, Movie outside downtown as downtown continue to grow! you're doing more than Louisburg has ever done for their downtown it's not looking like a downtown at all, the leadership needs a change with fresh new ideas, continue to promote all cultures and family and build a better small city, great job!